Preparations for Application

The primary purpose of the accreditation process is to provide a mechanism that assists institutions and programs to analyze their operations, work, and aspirations. The results encourage artistic and educational improvements. The review is placed in the context of nationally-developed standards and facilitated by using consistent procedures that ensure fairness and objectivity. ACCPAS’s focus is service rather than control. Since each institution is unique, the accreditation process balances two concerns: (1) compliance with threshold standards and (2) evaluation based on the mission, goals, and objectives of specific institutions.

In preparation for applications for membership, please review the items below. The ACCPAS staff is available if any questions arise and looks forward to working with you as you prepare for your application.

  1. Eligibility. Review your institution’s eligibility and the definitions of membership categories.
  2. ACCPAS Handbook. Review the standards and guidelines for accreditation, as well as the Code of Ethics for schools and the Rules of Practice and Procedure for schools and the Commission on Accreditation. Please review the Handbook carefully to ensure your institution has the ability to meet or exceed all applicable standards for accreditation.
  3. ACCPAS Procedures. Review the ACCPAS Procedures for Institutions, Procedures for Self-Study, Instructions for Preparing Curricular Tables, and Procedures for Visiting Evaluators. Review and consider the various Self-Study formats. Please review the procedures carefully to ensure that your institution is capable and prepared to submit a complete and comprehensive application.
  4. Consultative Services. ACCPAS strongly advises potential new institutional applicants to host an ACCPAS consultant prior to the official on-site visit. ACCPAS also offers consultative services through ACCPAS staff.
  5. Connections with Other Review Procedures. If your institution wishes to hold a joint or concurrent visit with ACCPAS’s and that of another accrediting agency, inform the ACCPAS National Office at least two years in advance of the visit.
  6. Annual Report. Institutions applying to ACCPAS for the first time must include the latest Annual Report in its Self-Study. See the Procedures for the ACCPAS Self-Study Document for further information.
  7. Definitions. A helpful glossary of definitions is available for terms related to the ACCPAS accreditation process.