Consultative Services

ACCPAS offers the service of consultants to institutions considering issues such as accreditation (new applications, reaccreditation, initiation of new curricula, substantial changes to existing curricula), institutional development, internal reviews, facility and equipment reviews, and state reviews.

During preparation of first-time accreditation applications, institutions are strongly encouraged to consider a consultative visit by a trained ACCPAS consultant who is not a member of the ACCPAS staff. With regard to the application process, the two purposes of a consultative visit are to 1) provide an objective analysis of an institution’s program, and 2) make recommendations reflecting comparison with ACCPAS standards.

ACCPAS maintains a list of consultants and facilitates consultative services at the request of institutions. Institutions may utilize ACCPAS as a communication and financial vehicle to secure the services of a consultant; however, consultants work directly with institutions. Consultative advice does not necessarily indicate the position of the Association nor does it guarantee any specific outcome particularly regarding accredited membership. The recommendations of consultants are separate from evaluations of the on-site visit, and are therefore purely advisory in nature. Official action concerning membership is taken only after the ACCPAS Commission on Accreditation receives and acts upon a complete, documented application, including the report of official ACCPAS evaluators. It is ACCPAS policy that an individual who serves as consultant to an institution will not later be assigned as an official visiting evaluator in connection with an application for membership or renewal of membership.

Consultants work directly with institutions. ACCPAS facilitates the process by assisting institutions to secure consultative advice and by processing expense reimbursements.

Consultative Visit Fees

Current consultative fees are as follows:

  1. Consultation fee: $300 for 1 day ($250 for the consultant, $50 National Office administrative fee); $550 for 2 days ($500 for the consultant, $50 National Office administrative fee); and $250 for each additional day.
  2. The consultant’s expenses (travel, meals, lodging, secretarial assistance, and so forth).

The institution is billed by ACCPAS, which in turn, reimburses the consultant. Although consultants work directly with institutions, due to the fact that ACCPAS serves as the financial intermediary and reimburses the consultant directly, ACCPAS will file appropriate tax forms with the IRS (i.e., Form 1099). The institution should not duplicate these filings for the consultant.

Further Information: