
Notice of Intention to Apply (NOITA) Form

  • One copy of this form is to be submitted to the National Office two years before the projected date of the on-site visit. Please consult the evaluation calendar in Part I of the Procedures for Accreditation to confirm the submission deadline. Submission of this form is considered official notification of the school’s intent to apply for accreditation or renewal of accreditation. Upon receipt of the Notice of Intention to Apply form, the Executive Director of ACCPAS will nominate a proposed slate of visiting evaluators.

Application for Accreditation

  • Four copies of the application form, plus one additional copy for each discipline being offered at the school, are to be submitted to the National Office at least four weeks prior to the visit along with the catalogs, supportive material and copies of the Self-Study document. This form must be signed by the school executive. New applicants only: If a tax-supported school operated by a school district is seeking accreditation for the first time, the application form must also be signed by the superintendent of the school district or an appropriate designee.

ACCPAS Faculty Record Report

  • The school has two basic options for providing faculty information in the Self-Study document. It if chooses to use the ACCPAS Faculty Record Report form, a copy of this form should be submitted for each member of the faculty. A set of completed forms should be added as an appendix to the Self-Study document. The school is asked to duplicate sufficient copies of this form. Further information and instructions are found in the ACCPAS Procedures for Accreditation.

Annual Report

  • This form is required as part of the Self-Study. It provides an overview of enrollments and financial information. Further instructions are found in the ACCPAS Procedures for Accreditation.

ACCPAS Expense Statement Form

  • The Expense Statement form linked above is intended for use only by visiting evaluators in reporting expenses directly related to ACCPAS visitations.