David Hochstein Memorial Music School
50 North Plymouth Avenue, Rochester, NY 14614.
Website: www.hochstein.org
A community music school supported by private and public funds.
Date of Initial Accreditation: 11/1/2005
Year of Most Recent Comprehensive Review: 2015
Academic Year of Next Scheduled Comprehensive Review: 2025-2026
Non-Degree-Granting, Not-for-Profit, Private.
Hilary Field Respass, President, Executive Director
Telephone: (585) 454-4403 ex 211
Facsimile: (585) 454-4393
E-Mail: hilary.respass@hochstein.org
Degree and Program Listing
Ensemble Program.
Expressive Arts.
Honors Certificate Program.
Individual Instruction in Performance.
Music FUNdamentals.
Music Theory and History.