Old Town School of Folk Music
4544 North Lincoln Avenue, Chicago, IL 60625.
Website: www.oldtownschool.org
An independent music and arts school founded in 1957.
Date of Initial Accreditation: 1/1/2004
Year of Most Recent Comprehensive Review: 2011
Academic Year of Next Scheduled Comprehensive Review: 2021-2022
Non-Degree-Granting, Not-for-Profit, Private.
Jim Newcomb, Chief Executive Officer
Telephone: (773) 751-3329
E-Mail: jnewcomb@oldtownschool.org
Kimberly Davis, Director of Education
Telephone: (773) 751-3329
E-Mail: kdavis@oldtownschool.org
Degree and Program Listing
Adult Dance and Movement.
Children's Art.
Children's Dance and Movement.
Children's Music.
Early Childhood Program (Wiggleworms).
Musical Theatre.
Reeds and Wind.
Stringed Instruments.
Theory, Composition, and Production.