Optional Response

Content of the Optional Response

The Optional Response to the ACCPAS Visitors’ Report may contain the following:

  1. Correction of errors of fact;
  2. Conclusions based on such errors;
  3. Documented changes made in the program since the on-site visit.

Institutions preparing an Optional Response are strongly encouraged to address any standards issues identified in the Visitors’ Report item P. (Standards Summary) and in any other sections of the Visitors’ Report. Responses to points in item Q. (Overview, Summary Assessment, and Recommendations for the Program) are not a substitute for responses to standards issues. The current ACCPAS Handbook contains all standards texts serving as reference points for Optional Responses and Commission review. If an issue is mentioned multiple times in the Visitors’ Report, it may be considered once in the Optional Response, and referenced subsequently.


November 15 for consideration at the January meeting of the Commission on Accreditation.

Number and Disposition of Copies

Materials should be submitted in four complete, identical copies, plus one additional copy for each discipline being offered at the school

Please mail all copies to the ACCPAS National Office:

Accrediting Commission for Community and Precollegiate Arts Schools
11250 Roger Bacon Drive, Suite 21
Reston, Virginia 20190-5248


  1. Provide a cover sheet with the following information:
    • Name and address of institution.
    • School executive’s name and title.
    • Date of visit.
  2. Use only standard 8½” x 11” letter-size paper, with all pages numbered.
  3. Materials should be punched to fit a standard three-ring notebook (i.e., centers of holes should measure 1¼”, 5½”, and 9¾” from the bottom of the page).
  4. Nonstandard-sized materials (transcripts, programs, etc.) should be enclosed in re-closeable, labeled manila envelopes.
  5. Bind each copy of the Optional Response by placing a paper clip or binder clip in the upper left hand corner.

Procedure for the Optional Response

The institution should divide the Optional Response according to the sections used in the Visitors’ Report and copy the statement that is in question citing the page and paragraph number. Directly below this, the word “Reply” should be written; and below that, the comment concerning the errors of fact, the conclusions based on such errors, and/or documented changes made in the program since the visitation along with the supportive material (see example below).


F. Facilities, Equipment, Technology, Health, and Safety
Page 15, paragraph 4 – “The institution does not appear to have ample rehearsal space for all of its students.”


The institution has access to several additional spaces for rehearsals. These spaces are described below, including the equipment available in each, as well as the number of rehearsals held there during the past academic year.

(1) Lewis Hall — a hall seating 450. Two rehearsals per week were held there during the past academic year.

(2) Moreau Hall — etc.

Please contact the National Office with any questions.