Possible Commission Actions

Possible Commission Actions on First-Time Applications for Accreditation:

  • The institution is approved for a period of five years.
  • The institution is approved for accreditation for a period of five years with a request for one or more Progress Reports indicating the correction of minor deficiencies as outlined by the Commission.
  • Action on the application of the institution is deferred pending one or more of the following: 1) receipt of additional information necessary to determine whether the institution meets ACCPAS standards; 2) response to the stated concerns of the Commission about failure to meet ACCPAS standards; 3) response indicating the correction of deficiencies as outlined by the Commission. Progress Reports and Responses are normally requested in the form of written submissions.
  • The application for accreditation is denied with notice of rights to request reconsideration or to appeal.

Possible Commission Actions on Applications for Renewal of Accreditation:

  • The institution with accreditation is granted renewal of accreditation for a period of ten years.
  • The institution with accreditation is granted renewal of accreditation for a period of ten years with a request for one or more Progress Reports indicating the correction of minor defi­ciencies as outlined by ACCPAS.
  • Accreditation of the institution is continued, but action on the application of the institution for accreditation or renewal of accreditation is deferred pending one or more of the following: 1) receipt of additional information necessary to determine whether the institution meets ACCPAS standards; 2) response to the stated concerns of the Commission about failure to meet ACCPAS standards; 3) response indicating the correction of deficiencies as outlined by the Commission. Progress Reports and Responses are normally requested in the form of written submissions.
  • The institution is issued a show-cause statement with regard to administrative warning.
  • The institution is given an administrative warning.
  • The institution is placed on probation with notice of right to request reconsideration.
  • The application for renewal of accreditation is denied with notice of rights to request reconsideration or to appeal.

Frequently Asked Questions: Possible Commission Actions

How do I interpret a Commission Action Report?

The best way to interpret a Commission Action Report is to review the cited references to institutional materials in light of cited Handbook standards and guidelines. Please contact the National Office staff for assistance finding cited standards.

What does deferral mean?

In the accreditation process, the Commission finds a situation in which an institution cannot be given initial accreditation or renewal of accreditation on the basis of evidence presented. This may be because the institution already does not meet the standards as outlined in the ACCPAS Handbook, or because the institution does not appear to meet the standards as outlined in the ACCPAS Handbook, or because sufficient information has not been provided.

Rather than take a negative action on the application (deny accreditation or place the institution on probation), the Commission defers any action until certain conditions are met which clarify the situation and/or bring the institution into compliance. Deferral is not a negative action but a mechanism for dialogue between the Commission and an institution.

Accredited institutions with applications deferred continue their current accredited status, and maintain all rights and responsibilities of accreditation. Deferral does not mean that an institution has lost its accreditation or its listing in the ACCPAS Directory Lists. It simply indicates that the institution has one or more issues that need to be addressed/reviewed/explained in more detail before the institution’s application can be approved.

There is no public notice of deferral. Commission Action Reports are sent only to the institutional representative and to the president of the institution. The ACCPAS staff does not discuss an institution’s status or application with anyone other than the institutional representative.

What percentage of institutions is deferred?

The percentage varies from Commission meeting to Commission meeting. It is not unusual for institutions engaged in full reviews to be asked to clarify issues. Normally, these issues are resolved within six months to one year; this approach enables institutions and the Commission to reach agreement without the expense of new Self-Studies or extra visits.

What is the best way to communicate with the Commission?

Communication with the Commission typically occurs via written correspondence of accreditation related materials in reply to the items requested in a Commission Action Report (i.e., Responses and Progress Reports). Additional communication requests may be made via email through the office of the Executive Director.